Some Suggestions...
Ah, the age old tale of a magic goat on a warriors journey. Of course, a game of such has a mighty attraction to the people of YouTube and elsewhere. My few suggestions are to:
A. Add a few new areas. Such as a large village market, a dragon area with a boss, and possibly, an area with a Japanese theme, like a cherry blossom village.
B. New quests. The same old quests are old and boring and Im quite tired of them. Add boss battles to excite the fans!
C. New goats and ways to get them! The snail goat quest is too OP for anyone and I thing it should be toned down a little. I thing if you do add a dragon boss, allow the player to play as it or a smaller version of it. With skills such as fire balling like the magician goat and gliding or flying like flappy goat. I think an old goat model with added wings, horns and darker scales, as well as longer front legs should be fine.
Kind regards,
A coffee stain studios supporter
The candy burglar about
Goat Simulator MMO Simulator